We finally went to the Empire State Building . I work only a couple of blocks away from this historic place. I love this city and I think that the idea of this building is kind of romantic. I think that it is amazing that 70 some odd years ago people could actually build something as tall as this building. We were on the 86th floor in these pictures. You can see the entire city from where we were. We could see our neighborhood, Josh's building, Central Park, and all of the bridges to the city. It was amazing. It was so peaceful up there. It's probably the only peaceful place in the city.

The Goldman building where Josh works from the top of the E.S.B.

Our neighborhood and the financial district

After my run, it was coldy.

I'm not sure what this is but I thought it was cool. It is in Central Park.

After my run.

Me, crossing the finish line in 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Here I come!

There were so many runners participating in the race. This isn't a great angle, so you can't really tell- but there were between 2000 and 3000 runners. I can't believe this many people are as crazy as I am. The race I did was a 15k which is 9.3 miles. It was a great run. I really enjoyed running through the park. It was FREEZING and windy but once I got started I was ok. I ran it in 1 hour and 30 minutes. The finish line clock says 1:32 but by the time I crossed the starting line, the clock read 2 minutes. There were so many people that it took about 4 minutes for everyone to start the race. I'll get my official time later. It was 1:30 and some odd seconds. My knees are hurting and I was pretty stiff for a few hours after. Josh is so sweet and he gave me a massage. He is such a good husband. He held my purse while I ran, got me a scone and a water, and was there to support me through my run.
I am impressed! But don't do that too often, bad for the knees. Why didn't Josh run? Oh yeah...I forgot... he needed to hold your purse. Actually that was very nice of him. I am thinking when I do the 5k in santa Barbara your Dad should come to hold mine. Your dad did point something out to me today. He asked "If you are running 3.1 miles everyday to train why do you have to go to santa Barbara for the race? Why drive and hour to run when you already run here?" Good point...Love, Mom
yay courtney...I went to register for the 15K here and it's on a Sunday. I'm really bummed. I guess I'll just keep running with no race in sight!
You rock, Courtney! You ran with a great time, especially for being so short :) Ha, just kidding. You are amazing. As for being sore, I'm right there with you...
Do you even want to know how long that would take me?? Well, first off, let's start with the fact that I'd probably be able to run the first 1/2 mile or so and then end up walking the rest, so, um, like a day? I am super impressed, Courtney! Someday when we live by each other again, you need to be my personal trainer, ok?
the time share was through the minor club you should do it and then we can all go on a cruise together! instead of like $600 a person it's just taxes so it's like $250 a person. OH YES please lets all go on a cruise and mos def have play time when you get back. We're in NY on April 6th I think so if you guys are still there get prepared for a good time!
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