Today we had our mid-point appointment and ultrasound. It was delightful. The baby looks perfect. Both she and mom are measuring great. Everything with her is as it should be and yes, she is still of the female variety. Once again, she wasn't cooperating when it came to giving us the views we needed but eventually after me rolling over, walking, and bouncing she gave us a shot of what we needed to see.
Here is her sweet little 19 week profile:

Don't mind my appearance in these photos, they were taken after workouts, yuck.
My stats as of 19 weeks:
- number of fetal movements felt: 1
- most times I have been up to pee in one night: 7
- number of pregnancy related barfs: 0 (I know, lucky me)
- emotional outbursts: who freaking knows- ok Josh might be keeping track, we'll have to ask him
- breakdowns over not having anything to wear in my 'I just look fat' stage: 1 real one, several semi controlled breakdowns since
- up 1.5 cup sizes already, watch out! Josh is in Heaven.
- total weight gain: 5 lbs
- most naps taken in one day: 4
- pregnancy related cravings: 0
I really have had a pretty easy pregnancy so far and I feel really lucky. In my first trimester I was more tired than I knew possible. I would fall asleep the second I sat down at work, home, church, wherever. I had some nausea from weeks 6-8 in the afternoons, but by week 9 it was gone! I never threw up which was lovely. Real fruit popsicles helped my nausea, along with crackers and peanut butter and Izze Pops. I didn't realize how much you pee right off the bat being pregnant. It's amazing, and so annoying! This trimester I am feeling great. I have my energy back and am going to the bathroom less frequently at night. I have enjoyed eating healthy and I workout when I can. I try to do yoga at least once a week, light weights and cardio. I am so excited for this baby to come, I can hardly wait! We are having fun picking out all our baby gadgets. We have chosen a stroller, have a crib and are working on a nursery theme, and a name for the baby. If you ask my sister and Josh, she is already named. I'm not so sure though.
We both feel so blessed to be responsible with this little life inside me. We can't wait to meet our baby girl and to have her in our arms. We're half way there!
We both feel so blessed to be responsible with this little life inside me. We can't wait to meet our baby girl and to have her in our arms. We're half way there!
5 pounds! Thats it! You look great! And no throwing up! You should have 10 children
Courtney! This is all so exciting :) You look great!
Court!! You look amazing! Sheesh I hope I am as lucky as you with such an easy pregnancy! Ps did I mention that you have the cutest belly ever!
Hitting the "half way" point is so awesome! Then it's more of, "I'm already # weeks, with only # left to go!" instead of, "I'm only # weeks..." That was the long part for me... until now. And now I'm thinking these last 8 weeks are CRAWLING by! You look adorable and so fit! :)
I love that you are doing this, keeping a little log of everything. I did that with my 3 boys in a little book and I loved going back and looking at it every pregnancy to compare my stats. You are so cute pregnant and what a sweet profile picture. :)
half way already?? wow!! You are lucky to have such an easy pregnancy! what's the name you have picked out?
You are seriously gorgeous. God is so very good. What a blessing!!!
I never had any cravings either!! And just wait until your milk comes in..Josh will really be in boob heaven! hahaha!!
Seriously? 5 pounds? You are one lucky mama! I gain 5 pounds in the first month I'm pregnant, no joke. Dude, you look awesome. So cute that you are keeping belly shots. I wish I'd done more of that. She looks like an angel!
YAY!!! You are looking amazing!!! and Yay for no stretch marks! haha... cute photos you will be so happy to have them later. Your baby girl has the cutest profile ever! hehe. Can't wait to see her!!! I'm glad your having so much fun with the experience... Thanks for letting us all enjoy your experience too.
Court!! You look soo cute!! I miss seeing you at the salon! We need to get together and go girl shopping or something! I am so excited for you guys!!
I am disgusted by your mere 5 lb weight gain. Lucky, LUCKY girl! I knew you would be tiny. :) You look so adorable. I can't wait to see the perfect nursery and you, a mere 10 lbs heavier on your due date! xoxo
you look great! and i love how you are doing a great job with documenting your belly growth. i wish i did better with that cause its always fun going back to see what you looked like/remembering what you felt like. congrats on being half way (and btw-you can already tell your girl is going to be beautiful)!!
Ok, how is it even possible that you have only gain 5 pounds?! And it sounds like it is just in your belly and boobs. Lucky!
You guys are going to be the best parents!! I can't believe you've gained 5 lbs and that's it! I've gained 5 and I'm way behind you haha! But you look great. I really can't wait to see pics of this beauty. Yay for babies, eh!?
Heehee! You look so stinkin' cute! How fun that our little ones will be so close in age!
P.S. Where did your bubble butt go??? It's MIA!
You have gotten bigger!!! Wow I don't notice when i see you but in pictures its obvious! the baby already looks cute. I can't wait to hold her!
You are the cutest pregnant girl ever. I am so excited for you guys. We just had our first one 7 weeks ago and its the most amazing thing in the world. I hate you for never throwing up though. I threw up every single day til I had her :)
I can't believe you are half way! It's crazy to me!! Your pregnancy is flying by! Soon she will be here! :) I can't wait to meet her & to be her auntie!
Hey Courtney, congrats! I haven't looked at your blog in awhile i guess. We just moved to SLC and I hear it's not to far from you guys, we should try to get together! Shoot me an email at and we'll make arrangements. What a cute belly!!
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