Yes, it is true. It happened last night. I don't know how it all began, but it happened.
My dad is in town this week. We have enjoyed shopping, eating, and hanging out with my dad, he is the coolest dad you can imagine. He really likes to have people do stupid things for his entertainment. That's exactly what happened. Yesterday we went to Macy's to go shopping. We ran across a collection of Speedos there and my dad thought Josh really needed one. So we picked the least feminine one out (if there is such a thing as a Speedo that isn't feminine). My dad decided that he would present it to Josh at our work party later that night to embarrass him in front of everybody. Well, when my dad decided it was time to present the Speedo to Josh he also offered him $100 to wear it in the restaurant. We were at a very nice, kind of pricey restaurant so this wouldn't be a very appropriate thing for Josh to do. Well, we started eating and talking and having fun with co-workers and we all forgot about the little bet. Right when people started to notice Josh had slipped away from the table he came strolling down the hall and up to our table in his new blue, booty hugging Speedo. The entire floor was roaring. It was hilarious. Everyone was cheering and hollering at him. People were whipping out their wallets to give him money. One guy pulled out his credit card, he kind of frightened me. It was so funny. We weren't sure how people would respond to that. We were at a pretty nice place so we thought he might get kicked out or ticketed. The bouncer and what looked like the manager came up but they just started laughing when people pointed him out (now clothed). So Josh is $100 and one Speedo richer than he was yesterday. I can't believe he did it. I was at the far end of the table so I didn't get a good shot of him. My camera wouldn't focus until he had headed back to get dressed. Everyone has a new respect for Josh, he has a sense of humor!

My hubby has some serious

The two men in my life

Me and Brad

My dad and one of the VPs of EP Jennifer

Nadine and me

Sarah, me and Lucy