This is Carol, Chloe, and
Safiya. Carol is a true inspiration. Last year she was rushed into an emergency c-section to deliver
Safiya. Due to many horrendous complications during her delivery, she lost both legs, her right arm and is now blind. Even though her life has changed in many terrible ways, Carol's spirits are high and she is glad to be alive. There will be a 3 day silent auction starting June 14 in her honor. All the items up for bid have been donated and all proceeds will go toward paying off Carol's medical bills. Please click
here to read more of her story, and to find out more information about the auction being held.
have this on my blog too...made me cry when I read her story...Such triumph over tragedy!
Brittany posted this same thing and I also got an email from your mom about it...I'm glad the word is spreading...sounds like they can use everyone's help and prayers!
that is the saddest thing I have EVER read. Thanks for letting us all know. It makes me realize how lucky & fortunate I am no matter how "big" my problems seem..
Wow! Thanks for clueing me in. This family lives only an hour away from me. I will find out what's being done localy. Thanks!
I forwarded this to a lot of people I hope it helps!
yay! Did you get the email I forwarded you from Judy Hailey? She is doing a fund raiser for this family! I am so excited What a great thing! It never hurts to spread the word! I don't know how to add this info to my blog. Can you do what you did on yours to mine please???
Oh my gosh, I can't believe this story! What an amazing woman! I can't even begin to imagine what they must be going through. I sure hope their auction does amazingly well!
This is so sad! How did you hear about her story?
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