Friday, June 26, 2009

Wasatch Back 2009

Last weekend I spent 28 hours participating in the Ragnar Relay, Wasatch Back. I ran this race last year. This race is like no other that I have ever heard of. It is intense, hard, and totally awesome.

Ragnar is a company that hosts relay races around the country that are usually around 180 miles long. Hundreds of teams sign up for each race, and each team consists of either 6 people (each runner running between 26 and 40 miles), or 12 people (each runner running between 13 and 20 miles). Each runner runs 3 legs of the race. The teams are separated into 2 cars, one car has runners running while the other car is driving to the next exchange and trying to catch a few minutes of zzz's at the same time. Every single mile of the race is done by foot until it is complete. It usually takes between 24 and 30 hours to finish. Every team names themselves and decorates their cars all crazy. People are extremely creative and it's so fun to see what people come up with. This relay series is amazing. They are super fun but at the same time challenge you in every way possible.

Here is my team. We basically had a full day non-slumber party.

The 'Striping Warriors' had booby tassel cones on the front of their car. Pretty rad if you ask me.

The winner of this year's best team theme/name goes to:
'The Never Nudes'
They are my heroes.

My first leg was my best leg. I was well rested and fed. I had the energy to do what I needed to do, which disappears in the wee hours of the morning. I climbed over 3000 feet in my first 3 miles. I felt strong and was making good time. My second leg was my most challenging. It was at 5 am, which is a great time to run...that is if you have had good food and sleep. I didn't have either of those things and I felt like I was crawling the whole way, even though I ran the whole thing. My third leg was the one I was most worried about. Last year on my last leg I got lost. I added 2 miles to my already 5.some odd mile leg. It was extremely hot, I had no access to water and I was miserable. I decided that even if this was going to to be as hard as the previous year, I was going to push through it and be happy to be there. This year I knew my way and was sure not to get lost. Luckily for me, it was cloudy and even rained part of the time. I couldn't have been happier since it is on an open trail and I had no team support to get me through it if needed. I was the last runner on my team so I brought my team across the finish line which was a great feeling.

Liz and Kylee at an exchange.

This is what most of our run looked like. It was breathtaking.

Shelly handing off to me at exchange 11.

We went to get pizza for dinner, which made us all sick to our stomachs. No bueno.

Brushing teeth on the side of the road.

So long Wasatch Back. Hopefully I'll see you again soon.


Brittany and Johnse said...

Congrats...that seems like a great experience. :)

Brooke and Matt: said...

Good job!! What a fun and rewarding experience. I admire you so much for doing these runs! I hope I can do it one day, I just need to build up some endurance!

Chad Carly and Baby Cash said...

That is so awesome! WOW I would love to get back into running and do something like that. What kind of running shoes do you have?

The Risdons said...

Good for you Court. I'm proud of you:-)

Julie said...

Congrats Courtney! What an awesome accomplishment. You should feel so proud to have completed it. My girlfriend also did it for her first time and she loved it too. I want to do it next year after the babe!

the organic kitchen said...

I love the 'never nudes' hilarious. You are always doing something fun.

Chris and Mari Spiker said...

You post has inspired me to a new goal...never participate in the Wasatch Back. I am pretty sure this goal is attainable

Chris and Mari Spiker said...

ahhah. Chris. Great job Court! You are one tough woman! I hope one day I can run that with you!

lori and clark remington said...

WOW! That looks so hard. I'm glad you had so much fun because I don't think I could of done it. The country side was beautiful though. Congratulations!Well done!

the organic kitchen said...

I think the post above must have been written by Chris not Mari. Just a guess...

Melody's Voice said...

WOW! That's awesome! You are so inspiring!

Rachel said...

Court, you know I love a challenge, but I don't know about this race. Not a lot of food or sleep is a recipe for disaster in my book. So kudos to you for doing it, not only once, but twice! You are a running warrior!

Angie said...

All I can say is WOW! You are one tough woman!