This past week my parents treated Lindsay and I to a fabulous week in my favorite city, Manhattan! We had soooooo much fun together and thoroughly enjoyed the city at this time of year. We did so much in just a few days.
Here we are right after we all met at our hotel. I was so happy to see my parents. It has been about 5 months since I last saw them.
Ok, here it is. This is the best tasting treat in the whole world. Please, I beg you, next time you go to New York you must stop by Max Brenner's. It's at Union Square. This Thick Italian Hot Chocolate is the best thing you will EVER taste in your life. I was so happy to have it back in my life.
After Max Brenner's we went to see Jersey Boys which was absolutely AMAZING! I can't wait to download the soundtrack. It was so good. I am not usually a huge fan of plays but I loved this one. The music was incredible and the cast was great.
After Jersey Boys we went on a little limo ride to Rockefeller Center. Lindsay and I grabbed the wrong limo driver so we ended up in an old school white limo, which made it that much more fun. Look at my dad in this picture. He is hilarious.
I was so ecstatic to finally see the Christmas Tree at Rockefeller Center. I have wanted to see this since I can remember so I was thrilled to check this off my list. We were driving around the city and every time I saw a Christmas tree I thought it was the Rockefeller tree. I was shocked when we pulled up and saw this! It was enormous and beautiful.
We did the Top of the Rock which is always fun. It is less crowded and just as pretty as the Empire State Building.
Lindsay and I shared a bed and were cold so we called for someone to bring us some extra blankets. Instead we got these bizarre-o beanbag like pillows. They were so odd and I don't know why anyone would want to sleep on these horrid things.
Instead of going back to the hotel my dad decided we should go to Hairspray. I liked the movie but the play was so much better than the movie! It was so fun. The sets and the costumes we all so bright and energetic. Seaweed was such a good dancer and they were all amazing vocalists. I loved the entire experience. At the end of the show Harvey Fierstein came on stage and was auctioning a boa from one of his costumes off for an AIDS charity. Lindsay and I were sitting two rows behind and several seats down from my parents. The bidding started and we noticed Harvey kept pointing in my parents direction. Sure enough, my dad got in a bidding war and won the boa and the chance for us to go backstage to meet the cast! We were so excited! We were brought back and were able to meet John Waters, Harvey Fierstein, Marissa Winokur, and Susan Mosher.
On Saturday I wanted my parents to eat at Grimaldi's in Brooklyn. Our friend Jason met us there and my mom has a friend from high school we were able to see as well.
Saturday night was my dad's company party. It was fun to get dressed up and see some of the people I worked with when we lived here.
I got to boogie down with Elliott. He was so cute, he made my night. When we were done groovin on the dance floor he told me he wanted to show me something. He pulled out a picture of Cameron Diaz giving him a big hug! This guy is a ladies man!
Lindsay and I ended our night with a little Karaoke. We belted "Love Shack" out and I even did a little bit of my famous spastic dance.
Even though we were busy and I was having such a fantastic vacation, I was really sad to be away from my gorgeous husband. I missed him and am glad to be back in his arms.
Poor Josh, this is what he did all week while I was gone. He couldn't be happier to have me home, right babe?
It must have been fun to go back and revisit some of the places you liked to go to when you lived there :)
Looks like you had a blast!!! Jason and I and my parents saw Hairspray four years ago in New York but Michael McKean played Edna. He was great, but I'm sure Harvey was amazing. I will be in New York in one month visiting my best friend from UCLA who is in law school there. I am so excited! We'll have to go to Max Brenner's for sure.
poor josh.... hey did I ever tell you I was behind Marissa Winokur in line at Anthropolgie a few months ago...I should have mentioned it to her. She was with her brand new baby.
I LOVE Hairspray, my family saw few plays in NY and it was my absolutely most favorite! It looks like you had a lot of fun!
Wow! What a fantastic trip! You guys are party animals! Love it.
Courtney!! New York at Christmas time?? I am so jealous! That pic of Josh is classic. I think my favorite picture is you jumping at the Rockefeller Center, you look like you are jumping right out of your shoes! It looks like you guys had a blast! I think we should do a couples trip to NY sometime.
What a fantastic trip!!! You guys are so cute-I miss your beautiful faces:)
Soooo...are your parents in the market for another child? Because I'm available...So jealous looks like fun!
I have never been to NY, but it is definitely on my list. Looks like you guys had so much fun! I miss your fun fam!
Oh my gosh that trip sounds like a BLAST! What nice parents you have! You are such a lucky duck. I like how you put pics to show each part of the trip! I'll bet poor Josh felt left out!
Court I'm so jealous!!! What a fun family you have!!! Why wouldn't your dad win an auction so that you could go backstage at hairspray? That's amazing!
Way cute! Way fun! So darling!
Love to laugh, I give you ten seconds to run far away and hide. That’s about how long it will take for Josh to throw a temper tantrum and threaten you, Courtney’s mom to go into hover mother hissy fit mode,(and spend the rest of her week commenting on her daughter's blog) and all of Courtney’s sisters to sharpen their acrylic nails and come after you.
But whatever you do, don’t expect them to answer your question!
Yes, it’s a fake sign-in name. I’m terrified of Court and Josh!
Wow, somebody needs to get a life... and some manners! Find someone else to be jealous of...
oh and by the way~ I love the post! Your trip looked so fun! The shopping & the shows--UGH! I am jealous! Your parents know how to have a good time! Yay for New York!!
Or at least turn on comment moderation--it requires you to approve all comments before they are posted. You could then avoid the Magda's and Lovetolaughs of the world
To Lovetolaugh:
A few things... first, I wasn't aware that bikinis are optional to Muslims (this is a joke).
Second, I doubt that after living in Utah your entire life you really don't know the answer to your question about 'special undergarments.' That alone makes me question your intentions and your identity. However, I'll give you the benefit of my doubt and assume that you're actually curious. To answer your questions: Courtney IS wearing her garments despite the fact that you can't see them. Courtney is extremely petite and they do not always fit her perfectly, which may explain why they appear differently than they do on your friend Jane.
No, we do not believe that bikinis are a 'big no-no.' Maybe some do; we do not.
Just like you, and everyone else, we make hundreds of choices everyday based off of personal values and/or faith-based convictions that we hold. Just like you, and everyone else, we fall short, everyday, of the perfect example we strive to follow. Because of this universal fact, we believe that no one should be singled-out because of their inability to reach perfection in this life. By doing so, we would necessarily become guilty of the same sin of which Jesus accused the Pharisees when he walked the Earth. The sin is called hypocrisy. The Pharisees used to pray out-loud on the corners in a public setting. They loved to wear long, colorful robes with scrolls of scripture attached to them so everyone could see and admire their 'righteousness.' Jesus vehemently condemned this form of hypocrisy, right along with those passing judgment on their brother/sister. If you could see Courtney's garments in every picture she took, she might be guilty of the same thing. Fortunately, I don't think she's outwardly self-righteous enough to do that on purpose. It's one of the many qualities that I admire in my wife.
By the way, many people don't think Mormons are Christians, but I doubt it's because their mothers answer a blog question in a way that you don't consider 'Christ-like.' It's a strictly a dogmatic doctrinal issue (e.g. Mormons believe in faith AND works versus faith alone, and Mormons' particular beliefs regarding life after death). On the other hand, I wouldn't be surprised if some think of us as non-Christian because some Mormons have a tendency to be judgmental.
Please feel free to ask me more questions; I'd love to talk about it, even over lunch. Also, you're more than welcome to visit our Church's website to learn more about what we believe and what standards we hold. Go to:
And finally....
To Freaked:
You SHOULD be terrified of Courtney ... all 98 lbs. of her. She is a raging monster, isn't she? I think anyone that knows her personally will agree. Sadly, though, I don't make enough money yet to buy her acrylic nails - so I guess you don't have to worry about that. Of course, I'm merely being humorous. But seriously, what business does Linda have hovering over Courtney? or writing comments on her own daughter's blog? Mothers should mind their own business, and stop being so motherly ...
I'll say it again: Freaked, if you have an issue with us, come on out and talk to us. We may not be perfect people, but we're not too cowardly to hide behind the condition of anonymity.
For the rest of you ... you better watch out! Because Courtney and Josh are out there, looking to terrify you ... and steal your lunch bag. Courtney says she’ll give you a wedgie.
Court and Josh's list of things to do
#1. remove comment with the B-word in it
#2. change your blog to private or at least so you have comment approval.
I think my husband is way too nice. Oh and lovetolaugh, my mom didn't ever call you a pot smoker (she was implying that you might possibly be lying) and that wasn't my sister that called you that word, it was my brother...get it right.
It makes me sad that I can't write our family journal without people feeling the need to add their negative thoughts as comments on what we choose to do.
Oh my gosh! She is already great! Please for my sake court delete these ridiculous comments and make your blog private! I love you, Mom
Wow Courtney your blog is very exciting tonight. I just wanted to say that hot chocolate looks delicious! I wonder how many weight watchers points it is?:-) And...I'm getting ready to go buy some more hats!
Hi karlye! your blog is private so i can't see it but I am sure your family is darling. I loved meeting your husband and baby when you visited and hope all is well. And my guess for that hot chocolate is probably 1 million points! I only mooched off Courtney's order and still gained 5 lbs!
What a fun trip. I agree that top of the Rock is the way to go. Less crowds and the same view.
Hey Courtney! I found you from Tori's blog! We are up in Utah too and I envy your New York trip! WOW! So many blog stalkers! If you go private I would love to keep up with how you are doing! What I can't wait for is to see photos of your gorgeous children when they come!! (with you two as parents they will be!)Hope all is well!
-Ashley (Stewart) Bowman
HI Courtney,
Clark and I have never been to New York...It looks like an amazing place. Your mom and dad treated you to so many fun things while you were there! What a great memory!
Glad you had fun! I think you need to move out of utah... less drama! People really need to get a life!
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