Here are two months worth of pictures from my phone. I wish I had a real camera readily available for some of these moments. I would love to have them in better quality but my camera is in another room a lot of the time and my phone is always on me, so the iphone it is.
Starting with Lucy's birth. This was the first time we had skin to skin contact. I melted instantly and never wanted it to end.

Still, on her birthday.

Two days old.

Six days old.

Nine days old, with her friend Eloise who was 4 1/2 months old.

Sleeping on Josh's lap at 2 weeks old.

Running errands at 2 1/2 weeks old.

Napping on Josh with attitude, 3 weeks old.

My sweet little sleeper, 1 month old.

Five weeks old.

Massive poop explosion at 5 weeks. How on earth did she manage to get it on her shoulder and down her arm? She is a talented girl.

Smiling at 5 weeks old!

Visiting Josh's office for Halloween at 5 1/2 weeks old.

Smiling at her daddy, almost 6 weeks old.

Such an angel.

Little sassy pants, 6 weeks old.

Going on a run with mom, 6 weeks old.

LOVE her bed head. You'll notice she has bed head in a lot of these pictures. Seven weeks old.

My personal favorite, 7 weeks old.

Morning smiles, 7 1/2 weeks.

Lucy can take care of herself, watch out!

Reading the Snowmen book, she will even follow the page as I turn it- pretty impressive.

Getting ready for her Thanksgiving nap, 9 weeks.

Tired of shopping with Mom and Dad, 9 1/2 weeks.

Wow Courtney She is sooo cute and animated! I love the Lucy can take care of her self pictures, especially the second one and the Sassy Lucy 6 weeks old! Thanks for sharing such cute memories!
so cute Court! Some of my favorite pictures of El are on our camera phones too, sometimes you need to capture a moment quick! She is so adorable, we love her!
Amazingly Adorable! Love all the pics!
She is a doll! She is so social and aware of what's going on. And I love her little outfits!
Your little Lucy is too cute! Thanks for the words of encouragement on my blogs. It is nice hearing that I am not the only one who is struggling with this because sometimes if feel like I am.
She is just to die for. I want to eat her up!
She is seriously too cute for words. She's giving me ultra baby fever!
Bless the iphone for always being there :). She is beautiful court and looking so alert. Hope you guys are doing great!
She is so precious, I love her!
She gets cuter every day... if that's even possible!
having a major love surge!
oh i wish i could see her in person again! miss you guys so much! She is just too cute!!!
She really is SOOOO cute and tiny. I love her.
so cute! I can't believe she is already two months old, time sure does fly!
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