We are 100% pleased to announce the upcoming birth of our first child!!!!
That's right folks, we are pregnant! We found out two months ago, and it has been the hardest secret to keep. Well, we didn't keep it too much of a secret. Papa Spiker got a little excited about becoming a grandfather and spilled the beans to just about everyone he ran into. Josh and I also had a hard time keeping it to ourselves, but we wanted to wait until we heard that magical heartbeat to share our news with the cyber world. How can you bottle up such fantastic news as this? It seemed impossible.
We found out in January that we were expecting. I have been working with a fertility doctor over the past few months. I hadn't started any meds but was supposed to go in every two weeks (for 6 months) for lab work, to check my hormone levels. I had a sneaking suspicion that I was pregnant so I had them throw in a blood HCG test just in case. I really, really didn't think I could possibly be pregnant. If you knew my history you would think it wasn't likely either. Low and behold, I call for my results 2 hours later and the tech ever so casually tells me that my pregnancy test came back positive. I was in COMPLETE shock. I didn't even let myself get my hopes up for a positive this time around. I have taken dozens of home and blood pregnancy tests and ovulation kits over the past few year, that have all come back negative. I was suspicious but didn't think it was possible, so I was seriously surprised. I called back three times and talked to different lab techs to make sure I was given the right information. Sure enough I was! We ran right out and bought a few at home tests (I know I'm crazy, the blood work is 100% correct. I just had to see it with my own eyes). What do you know, within seconds that second pink line that I have been dreaming of appeared. We were overjoyed.
That's right folks, we are pregnant! We found out two months ago, and it has been the hardest secret to keep. Well, we didn't keep it too much of a secret. Papa Spiker got a little excited about becoming a grandfather and spilled the beans to just about everyone he ran into. Josh and I also had a hard time keeping it to ourselves, but we wanted to wait until we heard that magical heartbeat to share our news with the cyber world. How can you bottle up such fantastic news as this? It seemed impossible.
We found out in January that we were expecting. I have been working with a fertility doctor over the past few months. I hadn't started any meds but was supposed to go in every two weeks (for 6 months) for lab work, to check my hormone levels. I had a sneaking suspicion that I was pregnant so I had them throw in a blood HCG test just in case. I really, really didn't think I could possibly be pregnant. If you knew my history you would think it wasn't likely either. Low and behold, I call for my results 2 hours later and the tech ever so casually tells me that my pregnancy test came back positive. I was in COMPLETE shock. I didn't even let myself get my hopes up for a positive this time around. I have taken dozens of home and blood pregnancy tests and ovulation kits over the past few year, that have all come back negative. I was suspicious but didn't think it was possible, so I was seriously surprised. I called back three times and talked to different lab techs to make sure I was given the right information. Sure enough I was! We ran right out and bought a few at home tests (I know I'm crazy, the blood work is 100% correct. I just had to see it with my own eyes). What do you know, within seconds that second pink line that I have been dreaming of appeared. We were overjoyed.

Yesterday we had our first doctor appointment and ultrasound. It was so amazing watching our little babe bounce all around the screen. He (we don't know the sex yet but I ALWAYS refer to the baby as a boy. I need to stop but can't.) was extremely active and did flips and huge jumps for us. He seemed really excited. He also gave us a wave and did some karate kicks and punches. He already has a hard time holding still and saying cheese for the camera. His heartbeat was very strong and is measuring right on track. We were so excited and a bit relieved to know everything looked perfect. Baby is due September 21.
In the picture below, Josh likes to think the umbilical cord is the baby's boy part. That would just be sick.

So, if you couldn't tell, we are beyond excited to be pregnant. We feel so blessed and are already so in love with our little bundle. I can't wait for him to get here! I love that Josh and I get to experience this together. There is no one in the world I would rather become a parent with and I know he is going to be the best dad out there. I think he'll be a lot like my dad, and my dad is the best. He has been as excited as I have been since we found out about the baby and that makes my heart jump with joy. He has been so sweet and caring with me. He is very attentive and is there at my every whim. I love him more than ever. He talks to the baby every day, and always makes sure we are both happy and comfortable.
Welcome to our family little babe. We love you!
Post edit: I think I made it sound like we had been trying for this baby for a long time and that we had had fertility issues. We actually weren't. We thought it would take much longer than it did, and it was exciting and surprising to us that it happened so quickly. We anticipated problems that we didn't run into.
Welcome to our family little babe. We love you!
Post edit: I think I made it sound like we had been trying for this baby for a long time and that we had had fertility issues. We actually weren't. We thought it would take much longer than it did, and it was exciting and surprising to us that it happened so quickly. We anticipated problems that we didn't run into.
YAY!!!! So glad this is out in the open now! Your little bean is adorable, I'm so glad everything looked good and healthy. We are going to have so much fun with our little babes. Perfect timing guys!!
That is SOOO awesome-your first doctor's appointment for your first baby! Nothing can be more exciting than this first time around. Everything is just a miracle. I can't wait until "SHE" gets here! You guys are having a girl for sure. he he he.
I am so happy you finally told--I was having trouble not spoiling the news as well! So happy for you guys, those ultrasound pics are so cool. Hooray for a baby!
ps for the record I always said you wouldn't have any problems getting prego--I don't know why I just had this feeling! & I am so happy that's the way it ended up!
Courtney, I am SO happy for you two! You are going to be the cutest, most tiniest little pregnant person! I can't wait to see a teeny bump on you. Boy or girl, your child will surely be the best dressed little person alive. You will LOVE being pregnant during the summer. I did (Scarlett was due Oct. 3rd). Lounge in the pool all day long. Keeps the ankles from swelling and you from overheating! Enjoy! xoxo
I am so happy for you guys!! I know just how exciting it is when you have wanted it and worked so hard for this!!! You are going to be the cutest little mama!! Enjoy every little part of being preggo:) xoxo
I'm so incredibly happy for you two! There's nobody I can imagine being better parents than you and Josh!
Courtney!!! Of all the little mommies, you are indeed the going to be one of the most darling! (Place absolutely reserved for when I get to say I'm going to be a grandma :) I am sooooo happy for you. That baby is going to be so loved. Congratulations to you both! Can't wait to see the bump! (;
You guys are going to have the cutest baby ever!!!! I am so excited for you.... I can wait to see baby bump pictures... I positive you are going to be one of the lucky few prego mom's that still look cute even while being prego... Yay! Josh sounds like he is already a great dad...
"He"(The baby)will be so blessed to be part of your family and had loving fun parents like you...
I am sooooo excited for you!!! You will be such a cute mommy. It's a wild ride for sure, and your lives will change forever--in a good way.
pps. You guys are so freaking good looking, that baby has some great genes!
I don't know your history and didn't know you'd been trying so long. This baby will be so loved. You appreciate it soooo much more when it's hard to get:-)
SOOO Excited! I'm a little jealous I have to say...
Yay!! I am so happy for you guys!! I am so excited for you to experience the extreme amount a joy a little baby brings into your life. That babe is going to be gorgeous and lucky to have you guys as their parents!! xoxo
YAYYYY!!!!!!!!! Congrats to you and your hubby!!!! I'm so dang excited for you. You will love being a mommy!!!! Can't wait to hear about all of your fun adventures in pregnancy!!
congratulations!! that is seriously awesome news. regardless of gender, your baby is going to be so gorgeous and the best dressed lil one around! how have you been feeling? congratulations again and keep us updated on the pregnancy!
Yay for the bebe! And yay for no problems!
congratulations court! that is a hard secret to keep, especially when I was pressing you for answers. I was wondering why you seemed quiet about it. :-) I am happy it all worked out, especially faster than you thought! can't wait to find out the sex.
I'm sorry! That comment was from, not adam. I was signed onto his name for some reason.
Yay! What a happy day! Congrats to the both of you. You both will make wonderful parents.
yay for a new baby! And for the record, Mari did always say you would have no problema getting prego! Maybe she is physic! Can't wait for baby Alvord to be born and can't wait to buy some cute baby stuff!
Being a parent is the absolute best! Congrats you two, you'll just love it!
OH I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS! This is just such wonderful news! And may your pregnancy be fast and may the baby be a good sleeper!!!! (Sorry, I just had to throw that in there, sleeping babies is my new wish for all expectant mothers because I know how it feels to not have that blessing.) Love to all three! kim and jose
again congrats court! I am guessing boy, but you HAVE to have a girl because she would be the cutest thing ever! Can't wait to find out:) I know Rach is excited to have a new cousin in the mix!
Congratulations! That is the best news, and it is always fun to share with family and friends.
Congratulations! It is always so fun to share baby news!
What great news!!!! Can't wait to find out what you are having! We're so happy for you guys!!
How fun! Congratulations on your baby's coming BIRTH and happy BIRTHday to you as well! Very happy for you.
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