to prove to dad, I'm not a fool."

Today Joshua officially starts his MBA program at Carnegie Mellon. What a little smarty pants he is. Let me tell you a little about Josh's brain. "It's 3 times the size of a woman''s science." It is brilliant. The kid is a genius. He decided he was going to go to MBA school a few weeks before the application deadline. He signed up to take the GMAT, studied for maybe a few hours, and passed with flying colors. He scored in the top few percent of those who took it. He wrote amazing essays, filled out his application, got his recommendation letters, and turned everything in. Mind you- this was all during our crazy home renovation. A few days later, he gets a "Welcome to Carnegie Mellon Tepper School of Business" email and he is in. Just like that. He didn't even break a sweat. Josh was one of only 40 students nation wide to be accepted into this top 15 program, one of 5 in Utah. He is amazing.
So, you might be wondering how this all works...we live in Salt Lake, the school is in Pittsburgh. Well, Josh is a satellite student. He basically Skypes (or something similar) into his classes a few times a week. The professor can see him, he sees the professor. He has all the same assignments as an on-campus student, etc. He will have to go out to Pittsburgh a couple times per year, but other than that, everything is done from his office, here in Utah. He is still working more than full time for Goldman Sachs and will continue to do so throughout his scholastic career. He will attend class after work a few days a week. He will be pulling 15 hour days most of the time, yuck!
I couldn't be more proud of Josh. He sacrifices so much for me, and for our future offspring. We appreciate you Josh. I love you.
P.S. I am a terrible wife. I didn't even get out of bed this morning to make him breakfast or anything. Boo to me.
Go, Josh! I am proud of you, you little smarty pants, you! Gotta go and make the rest of us look bad.... :)
Congrats!! that is amazing!
Congrats Josh! Welcome to the life of an MBA widow Court. Lets play while our husbands have to go to school!
That's so awesome! Way to go, Josh!
And this whole time, I thought he was a total dumbass.... ;)
high five for him from me. way to go dude.
way to go joshua! you're too smart to be in our family. you were adopted. btw court, our mom used to make us choc. chip cookies on the first day of school so you still have time to that!
Congrats to Josh! That is awesome!! Wow, I'm impressed :)
dear josh, this explains why your head is so large...just kidding!
Congrats dude!
wow thats awesome! you do have a super smart hubby dont you? im very impressed with all josh can do.
Josh is soooo smart and you are even smarter for quoting "Anchorman"... although i am sure some 'dumba@#' won't get it and will leave a snide comment about it...
love you always~ mom
Looks like we do have friends joining in on the "Hey! Look at us! We think it's fun to go to work full time during the day and grad school at night" party! Fun for us! Good luck Josh. You'll do great. We're a week into trying it out and I've never seen Trev go to bed so early. :(
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