Wednesday, October 26, 2011

13 Months

My little pumpkin baby is 13 months!  I can't believe it.  I swear with each passing month I get more and more confused as to how it's possible for her to be as old as she is.  Lucy continues to fill our home with pure joy, belly laughs, and wet kisses.  She is the joy of our lives and we are so blessed to be her parents. 

At 13 months, Lucy:
  • has officially taken her first steps!
  • walks really well while pushing her little car toy.
  • stands freely in the middle of the room, has for a while.
  • is still the busiest child who has ever lived.  She doesn't stop for 10 seconds all day long, unless it's nap time.  She even wiggles and kicks her feet throughout every meal.
  • is very curious about everything that is going on around her at all times.
  • can climb onto anything and everything she can see.
  • is very very fast.
  • is very playful and giggly.
  • LOVES the princess car we got her for her birthday.  She scoots around the house all day long on that thing.  She knows where she needs to duck to get under the island and the tables and uses it to open drawers she usually wouldn't be able to reach.
  • loves to empty cabinets and drawers we don't have child locks on.  There are a few that we have that aren't compatible with the child safety latches so we just have to deal with the constant emptying and cleaning up.  Don't worry, the only things in those drawers and cupboards are completely harmless.
  • still loves to do somersaults.  I find her upside down, waiting to be tipped over several times a day.
  • still loves her hats and scarves.  She also now loves shoes and sunglasses.  She still tries to dress herself.  
  • is a little tornado baby.  She leaves a huge mess in every room she crawls into.
  • is a fantastic eater.  She still loves everything and is mostly on a fruit and veggie diet with grains and legumes thrown in there as well.  She eats salmon every now and then and we have started introducing cheese and yogurt into the mix.
  • gets distracted and bored very easily.  She plays with a toy for about 1 minute before she throws it behind her and she's onto the next thing (with the exception of her car and stacking rings).  She can put all of the stacking rings on the pole by herself!  She claps after every single one she puts on, it's pretty funny.  
  • still loves attention from anyone and everyone who will give it to her, which is pretty much anyone who ever sees her.
  • has discovered toilet paper and loves to unravel and shred the entire roll.
  • is afraid of the vacuum.
  • got her first ear infection.  It was soooo sad.  She was miserable, but is doing great now.  It was the first time she's really been sick.  She had a minor cold when she was a few months old, but other than that, this is it.  We were so sad for her.
  • still smiles from ear to ear all day long- my favorite thing about her.  She is a very happy little baby.
  • still nurses morning and night but only for a couple more days.
  • has a terrible sounding whine that comes out when she's tired.  
  • loves playing with other kids and babies.  She is very social, always has been.
  • says hot, woof woof, moo, yep, and dada.
  • loves to play peek-a-boo, patty cake and chasing games.
  • still loves her bink, although we aren't giving it to her quite as often.
  • nods yes and shakes her head no when you ask her questions and knows what she's doing.  She always says 'yep' when she nods and does it very deliberately.  It's so cute and funny!
  • still the tiniest baby in the bunch.  Her pants all fall off and are baggy in the legs.  She's just tiny.
  • loves to kiss herself in the mirror and in pictures.
  • loves to turn light switches off and help me open the curtains.
  • still puts everything in her mouth.
  • instantly shoots her hand up to her ear every time she hears a phone ring or I get a text.  She loves to pretend to talk on the phone and play games on it as well.
  • is smart and funny, cleaver and sneaky. She is the cutest baby I have ever seen.
I'm sure there are things I'm missing that I will have to add as they pop into my mind.  Lucy is my happy.  She is completely adorable in every way and is loved by all who know her.  I am so lucky to be her mama.  I couldn't ask for more.  She completes my life.


Melody's Voice said...

She's so cute! Love the hat ;)

Unknown said...

oh my gosh. eatable. that outfit is adorable!!!!!

Whitney said...

Can not get enough of her... and all her cute accessories. :) She is just the cutest. They really do just get better with age!

Adam & Samantha said...

she has gotten so big, so fast. it almost makes me sad for my little guy to grow up and he's not even out of the womb yet!