The month of July was insanely busy for us. I'm going to let the pictures do most of the explaining, but we spent more than half of it in CA, Josh was flying back and forth between UT and CA during that time, we went to the cabin, spent time with family and friends, went to two outdoor concerts and still took care of normal life stuff. We are happy to be home and get back in the swing of things. Here are pictures from the first half of July:
Fourth of July celebration in Utah, on the second.
Fourth of July celebration in Utah, on the second.

We spent a week and a half in Newport Beach. It was awesome. Lucy loved the water, and playing with her cousins, who aren't really cousins, that's just what we call them. We ate delicious food, played with family, Reesey and Ash came down for a sleepover, we shopped, swam, sunbathed, went for a boat ride, did a segway tour on Balboa Island, and had BBQs aroung the fire pit. It was perfect.

Looks like a glorious time! Although I must say that I was completely devastated to not get to see you all while I was in Utah this summer. Next time, hopefully!!!
What crazy, busy, fun month!! We feel honored you fit us into your schedule. :)
Love all your pictures. That Lucy is just too much for me to handle. Love her cheesy smile!!
What a fun July & I am so happy we were able to spend some time with you guys! Love you!
Looks like you guys had a great time! Cute pictures!
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