Our sweet baby is 8 months old! I really don't understand how that is possible, wasn't she just born? Lucy is the most amazing baby ever. She smiles alllllll day long, and I love every second of it. She is such an incredible little person, who only makes the world a better place. I tell her all the time how proud I am of her always bringing joy to people's hearts. We have thoroughly enjoyed being Lucy's parents and love this little girl more than we ever could have imagined.
Here are some recent phone pictures of the little munchkin:
Here are some recent phone pictures of the little munchkin:

Some things about Lucy at 8 months:
- She really is the happiest baby ever. She smiles and giggles, even to herself all day long.
- She LOVES attention. If you play with her, or even look her way, you will become her best friend pretty much instantly. She smiles at everyone everywhere we go! She is a day maker.
- She has more personality than we may know what to do with in a few years. This is no boring child! She is hyper, and energetic, and funny, and completely loveable.
- She never lays still. If she is laying on the floor, she is rolling around. I will find her 10 feet from where I layed her down, 30 seconds after I put her there. She even scoots while she sits.
- She can get up on her hands and knees or elbows and knees, and has started rocking. I think we'll have a crawler in a few more weeks.
- She loves to play in her exersaucer. It keeps her busy and entertained forever.
- She likes to stand up and hold herself up with the help of the couch or ottoman.
- She sleeps between 10 and 12 hours at night and still naps for between 7 and 9 hours a day.
- She LOVES to be outside. When she sees that we are walking toward the front door, she squeals with excitement, her legs kick and her whole body tenses up. It's so funny.
- She grabs everything all the time.
- When she gets happy or excited about something she sticks her arms out and squeezes her hands into little fists, like she is grabbing the air. So cute.
- She babbles and talks all day long. She says, 'dada' non stop and mimics us when we talk to her.
- She loves to make spitting fart noises and sometimes thinks she's hilarious when she does.
- Bath time is one of her favorite times of day.
- Girlfriend has still only ever had breast milk, and some water to drink. I still make all her food.
- She is getting bigger, but is still a tiny little thing.
- She will only take a bottle if the milk is hot hot hot.
- She has started posing for pictures. She knows when I hold the camera up to look and smile. I rarely have to say anything to her anymore, she just does it. Maybe I take way too many pictures of her, but I can't help myself.
- She loves to be thrown in the air, to swing, to be bounced, etc. We may have a little dare devil on our hands.
- She giggles and is sooo happy when we go to get her out of her crib in the morning or after a nap.
- She puts everything in her mouth and hates when you take something away from her (like the wad of paper she had shoved in her mouth the other day...lovely).
- She LOVES other babies and little kids. She would play with them all day if she could. It make me excited for her to have a sibling one day. I wish she had a cousin her age. She does have some good little friends who are her age, which we all love.
- She still has no social anxiety whatsoever.
- She is very curious and loves to explore and learn about everything she can.
Lucy is the best thing that has ever happened to this family. She is the greatest joy of our lives. We love her so completely. Every little thing she does is magic, and we are so lucky to be part of it all.
Isn't this age tons of fun!? Lucy is a cutie-pie and I really think she and Austin need a date...at a park or pool or something! I love that she is so smiley all the time, what a sweet girly!
I love the squishy face picture and the with her and Josh. She is so cute! I want to babysit more!
She is sooo adorable!! and I am super impressed that your nails are painted nice in the video of Lucy laughing. :) Koodoos to you for being super mom and still finding time to look nice! :)
she is so insanely cute. seriously, could her smile be any more adorable??
Lucy you are the love of all our lives! No social anxiety, except with Spencer!
hey, she smiles at me eventually.
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