Now that I have officially entered my third and last trimester of this pregnancy, I thought it was time for another pregnancy review and stat session. I went to the doc again today and everything is still looking great for both me and our little babe.
I had to do the dreaded glucose test which was a blast, let me tell you. I don't know why they make everyone take that darn stuff, I don't have a single symptom of gestational diabetes, I have no family history of diabetes, and I take impeccable care of myself and my baby. I rarely have a treat (like maybe once a month and it will only be a bite. I was blessed to not have a sweet tooth.), I eat very few simple carbs and I get plenty of fruits, veggies, whole grains and protein every day. Sorry about the ranting I for some reason really didn't want to have to do the test. I know it has its place and prevents a lot of problems, I am just being a cry baby. Unless something changes from here on out and the baby or I am not healthy, I think I am going to protest with my next pregnancy.
Anyway, it's hard to believe my second tri is already over and that I only have one to go. I will be considered full term in only 10 weeks which is insane! I know I probably won't deliver then but it's just bizarre that I'm already getting to that point. I get more and more anxious every day- I want to meet my baby and have her here in my arms. I want to see her with Josh and enjoy being a family of three. We are all signed up for our birthing and breast feeding classes. I wonder if I'll learn something new or if it will be the same info in the books and websites I've read. For now I feel really comfortable with the idea of giving birth. I feel mentally prepared and have very little anxiety about it. I'm sure that will change as the day approaches, but for now I am feeling really calm about the whole thing.
Ok, here are some facts about my second trimester and the beginning of my third:
I had to do the dreaded glucose test which was a blast, let me tell you. I don't know why they make everyone take that darn stuff, I don't have a single symptom of gestational diabetes, I have no family history of diabetes, and I take impeccable care of myself and my baby. I rarely have a treat (like maybe once a month and it will only be a bite. I was blessed to not have a sweet tooth.), I eat very few simple carbs and I get plenty of fruits, veggies, whole grains and protein every day. Sorry about the ranting I for some reason really didn't want to have to do the test. I know it has its place and prevents a lot of problems, I am just being a cry baby. Unless something changes from here on out and the baby or I am not healthy, I think I am going to protest with my next pregnancy.
Anyway, it's hard to believe my second tri is already over and that I only have one to go. I will be considered full term in only 10 weeks which is insane! I know I probably won't deliver then but it's just bizarre that I'm already getting to that point. I get more and more anxious every day- I want to meet my baby and have her here in my arms. I want to see her with Josh and enjoy being a family of three. We are all signed up for our birthing and breast feeding classes. I wonder if I'll learn something new or if it will be the same info in the books and websites I've read. For now I feel really comfortable with the idea of giving birth. I feel mentally prepared and have very little anxiety about it. I'm sure that will change as the day approaches, but for now I am feeling really calm about the whole thing.
Ok, here are some facts about my second trimester and the beginning of my third:
- The baby moves like crazy, really really crazy. We can see her individual body parts and can feel feet and elbows all the time. She is most active at night but I feel her all throughout the day.
- Josh was first able to feel her around 20 weeks, not too long after I started to feel her often, which was really exciting.
- She loves to try to escape through my sides and enjoys planting her foot on the inside of my right ribcage which feels quite lovely...not!
- Baby also loves to stomp on my bladder without any warning, making it near impossible for me to not pee my pants.
- I look quite a bit like Gus Gus, the mouse from Cinderella. My shirts are always creeping up over my belly and my gut is pretty much always hanging out.
- I officially have the pigmentation line up my entire belly. I'm hoping it stays this color, it's quite faint, but it will most likely darken.
- Still no stretch marks, keep your fingers crossed for me- I still have a lot of growing to do which is hard to believe.
- I am still working at the salon part time and by the end of the day my back and feet are killing me.
- No swelling yet! I hope this lasts throughout the summer.
- My energy level has been so much higher these past few months than they were in the first trimester. It's like a night and day difference and I am grateful for it.
- I only wake up once a night to pee which was also a welcomed change from the first tri. We'll see if this continues on through this trimester, I'm not very hopeful.
- I have gained 12.5 lbs total
- My belly button is a half innie half outie. It's an odd smiley face shape with a piece of skin on top that looks like it needs to be snipped off. I wonder if it will go back to its original shape.
- We are still trying to officially decide on what we are going to call this kid. For now we only have one name that we both like and I'm thinking that will probably end up being her name, I'm just not 100% sold yet. So, if you have suggestions we'd love to hear them. I don't like anything too trendy or made up.
Belly shots at 26 weeks: