Josh and I spent the past two weeks on vacation, island hopping in the Caribbean. This was my anniversary gift from him, and it was truly amazing. We started our trip off by spending four days in Puerto Rico. We stayed in Old San Juan, which is so beautiful I dream about it. We celebrated 2010 by exploring the town, enjoying a lovely Indian dinner whilst being entertained by live belly dancing, and rang in the new year at a huge celebration in a town square. It was quite perfect.
The rest of our time in Old San Juan was split between the beach and exploring the town. We were able to relax in the sun, learn about the history of the city, and enjoy the beauty it has to offer. We loved everything from the old stone streets that run through the city, to the gorgeous doors on every house (seriously, I am obsessed with doors now and one day will have amazing doors at my house), to the night life. They had some type of outdoor activity going on every night; fairs, parties, boardwalk events, live entertainment local food, etc. There were parks and squares everywhere, beautiful statues at every corner, and mature landscaping lining every street. I was in Heaven.

If you ever get the chance to visit Old San Juan, please do. It is an amazing town filled with beauty, culture and history. I loved every second of it.
wow court! That looks AMAZING! What a fun way to ring in the new year. Your outfits are adorable. I especially love the shot of you in front of the door, that could be in a magazine! Can't wait to catch up in a few days...
So beautiful. What an amazing place to go and visit! You two look so cute together! It looks like you had a great time!
I'd like one of those pics of you in my headband for my site please!! You look so cute in it! So chic.
The town is seriously amazing- it's a photographer's dream!! I think you should get a door like that too, it's only fair right :)
You already look so tan! How is that even possible? And that pic of Josh (the close up one) should be a sunglasses add..
Looks like heaven to me!! Oh how I want to be there right now instead of cold Utah! What a great anniversary gift. :)
That is a great way to start off the new year! And you inherited my obsession with doors. Remember all the pictures of doors i had in our old house???
Welcome home! You guys have been in my thoughts a lot the last week! I can't wait to hear more details about your trip. Oh, the doors of Old San Juan! I had forgotten how great they were. Spencer took some great photos of them while we were there, once upon a time. I'm so glad you guys enjoyed yourselves!
Your pics are amazing!!!!! I love san Juan!!! My nana took me fir my graduation trip when I was 18! We had so much fun. We stayed in a hotel tht was hosting the Miss Puerto Rico pageant so I felt like such a nerd walking aroud with all of these 6 ft tall gorgeous women! ESP ecause I'm 5 ft nothin! Haha. Your pics make me wanna go back!!!
How beautiful! And those doors are pretty! And you look so cute in your sundress and the headband, so stylish!
Glad to see you two start the new year off with a ban- those are some amazingly beautiful places. Just hope those "fruit salads" aren't part of any new year's diet resolution ;)
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