We arrived at "Camp Dahlstrom" on Thursday night just in time for a dinner feast. It was wet out and oh-so-beautiful. I was instantly in love. Brooke's great-great-grandpa built this cabin years and years ago. Only what has absolutely needed to be updated has been updated since. It is charmingly rustic and we hope one day to have a place half as cool as this to call our own.

Just one of the many cozy rooms in this abode. That cougar is there to chase away any scary dreams you might have while sleeping in this bed.

After Copper woke us up the next morn, Dustin and Carly had to leave and Joe and Tori surprised us by showing up We had a delicious waffle and fruit parfait breakfast and hurried our little buns off to the lake for a morning run. The weather could not have been better.
A little later on, too many people had the same idea we did and the water got a little too crowded. We headed back to camp for a picnic and a nap.

We floated down the river in the backyard for about 20 minutes. I had never done this before and L-O-V-E-D it.
In the evening we headed back to the lake for another board run. The boys are extremely talented and did not disappoint.
Matt's tantrum:
Thank you Matt and Brooke for such a fun night away. This was the best and happiest weekend we have had all year. We had more fun than we could have imagined. You guys are the best!
Wow great trip! Cute cabin. Cute people. I guess you inherited your 12 year olds sense of humor from me because I thought that fire out the bum picture was funny too.
Oh and download the song "Floatin' down the river'. you will love it!
I LOVE to float down river! We used to do that all the time as kids down Provo canyon & up in Idaho at a family cabin up there. Looks like a lot of fun, cabin's are my ideal vacation! Im glad you guys had a great break, you both work so hard & definitely deserve it!
beautiful cabin...looks like you had a great Fourth weekend :)
That is my favorite kind of vacation...I grew up camping and skiing, tubing and campfires. We still camp all the time, but I never seem to go tubing anymore...I am jealous. The cabin is so cute too...Clark may be in trouble now because I want one of those.(haha).
But my favorite picture is of Cooper. I have a king Charles and I love them. Does Cooper swim, I would love to get Isabella to swim. I haven't tried yet.
I want Isabella to meet Cooper someday soon!!!!
We had SO much fun this weekend. I am so happy we have such fun friends to share weekends like that with. Love you guys!! You got some awesome pictures! The one of you on the swing is so adorable
So I was looking at your blog this morning with Olivia on my lap. When we came to the picture of you and 2 friends jumping off the boat Olivia shouted, "GIRLS! JUMPING! POOL!!!" (because any body of water is a pool to her) She kept talking about it all morning. Then, while I was giving her a bath, she kept pretending to jump in the water like you. You really made an impression! :)
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