We spent one of our days in Kauai touring the island on scooters and it was so much fun! This was by far my favorite day. I got to enjoy views like this, with the wind gently blowing in my face (which I love) for an entire day:
I was really nervous before I got on my hog, pathetic I know. I had never driven anything like this before and I was scared I was going to make a dumb mistake and kill myself, or someone else. The guy we rented the bikes from was way hyper, maybe on drugs, and was telling us that it was likely that we would have a few spills with a group as large as ours. He was panicking and making us scared. We were fine and didn't have a single problem the whole day.
This is what our navigators looked like about ten times that day, somehow we still made several wrong turns:
One of the stops along our drive was a river that had a waterfall and rope swing. Crazy Patrick was cartwheeling off the edge before the rest of us had our shoes off.

Everyone but my mom and I jumped off the edge of the waterfall. I was sick and she didn't feel like it so we were the designated photographers for the day. It was funny to watch everybody before they jumped off the cliff. Some were nervous, others just walked off of it like it was nothing.

The daredevil boys headed to the rope swing after the waterfall jump. My timing was off when my dad and Josh did their swings. Sorry boys, no pictures of you.

After the waterfall we scootered on over to a huge beach where we were all alone. It was great, the boys got to play volleyball while the girls enjoyed relaxing in the sand watching wind surfers (actually they weren't wind surfers but I don't know what they are called. They are on something that looks like a wake board and they are harnessed to a big kite. They jump waves and seriously get twenty feet in the air and do quadrouple flips. They are crazy and very entertaining. Anyone know what that is called?).
We stopped for Hawaiian shaved ice. We saw some sea turtles while we ate them on a lava rock wall. It was pretty rockin.
Afterward we headed back to the resort and spent some time in the hot tub. I would like to publicly thank whomever invented jetted hot tubs. Sometimes there is just nothing better.
We also headed to dinner and then made a visit to the doc for a big fat shot of penicilin in the rear. Sounds like a fun night huh?
that hot tub picture of Chris & I is hilarious--neither of us even remember there being a camera there! ahha. Our faces are classic. Great photos lady, and the title of the post is pretty funny! Now lets see some house pictures!!
Great times! I love the Spikers!!!
Fun! That video of Luke with his crazy legs is pretty funny.
That was going to be the title of my post.... but since I can't figure out how to get the photos off flickr I may never post...
cute pictures! I'm glad you guys enjoyed your trip! How long has Linds been dating Curt?! They are way cute together.
A) Josh picked the right family to marry into.
B) You girls all look so friggin' cute in your bikinis it makes me sick.
C) Your sister's boyfriend is totally good-looking.
D) Linda wears braids very well. She looks like a sister not a mom.
E) I think the answer to your question is kite-boarding, but I'm not 100%.
Kite surfing! I think. Maybe kite boarding. Fun fun fun! Luke looks so much younger without his hair sticking straight up! Love Josh's sexy model man poses :)
I'm so jealous! Looks like you are having a blast! Enjoy the weather!
Great Pictures! Looks like it was a fun trip! Sorry you got sick.
Great camera work Court! I love the one of Luke on the rope swing encircled by the tree branches!
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