Our sweet Lucy turned one!!! We celebrated her birthday a few days early with many of our close friends and family. We are so grateful to everyone who came to celebrate our dream baby's life. We are so lucky she is ours and we couldn't be more blessed.
Lucy's party was held in our backyard. It was raining and stormy the entire day and night before, which really really delayed the party set up. We weren't able to set up everything that I had planned because of the rain, but the party was still a success. Luckily Lindsay and Ashley were here to help me set up what we could the morning of. Without them, the party would have been a total flop. They are amazing.
Lucy enjoyed the day full of attention, yummy food, her first taste of sugar, and tons and tons of presents.
Lucy's party was held in our backyard. It was raining and stormy the entire day and night before, which really really delayed the party set up. We weren't able to set up everything that I had planned because of the rain, but the party was still a success. Luckily Lindsay and Ashley were here to help me set up what we could the morning of. Without them, the party would have been a total flop. They are amazing.
Lucy enjoyed the day full of attention, yummy food, her first taste of sugar, and tons and tons of presents.
Mari made these willow-esque garlands, and I made the fabric poms hanging from our cherry tree.

This was the look Lucy had on her face the entire time we sang 'Happy Birthday' to her. She was so confused!

Lucy has blessed our lives more than we could ever express. We love her more than anything on Earth. She is the most adorable, crazy, energetic, happy, smiley, loveable, cutest baby ever. She is the best part of our lives. She is amazing in ever way.
At one year, Lucy:
- can stand up! Only for about 30 seconds at a time, but she's making progress.
- still has more energy than we do.
- has 2 teeth.
- eats amazingly well and still loves everything.
- nurses 3 times a day.
- loves to clap, play 'Patty Cake', roll her little fists (sooo cute!), and play hide and seek using her hands or an object.
- does (assisted) somersaults
- sleeps very well.
- loves people, especially other babies and blonde women.
- gets so excited when she hears someone coming her way, or when her dad comes through the door after work.
- can climb up our stairs in about 2 seconds flat.
- can climb onto the ottoman and the couch, and can get down from all furniture by herself.
- loves her baby doll and gets so excited, giving her hugs and kisses, every time she sees her.
- is obsessed with accessories, especially scarves and hats. She loves the scarves she got for her birthday. If she doesn't have one on, she will take a dish towel, pants, whatever she can find, and wrap them around her shoulders and neck to make a scarf. She likes to try to put her clothes and shoes on, and gets frustrated when they don't stay.
- loves when we praise her for anything she does (which is pretty much all day long).
- is still the smiliest baby ever! She has the best smile in the world, and flashes it all day long.
- is teeny tiny. She still only weighs just over 16 lbs (1st percentile!), is 29.5 inches tall (68 percentile) and her head is now in the 5th percentile. She is a feather.
- impressed her Dr with all of her tricks and her social abilities.
- can tell you what a doggy says. She thinks she loves dogs, and gets so excited to see one, until they get close.
- loves to stack blocks.
- is starting to show small signs of being cuddly. She climbs on my lap several times a day and rests her head on my chest or shoulder for about 2-4 seconds. Then she's off again!
This is a slideshow I made to document Lucy's first year of life: