Saturday night we hosted a white trash BBQ in our white trash back yard. The back yard is the only part of the house that hasn't been touched since we moved in. That is our big project for next year. We decided that since it is looking pretty gross we'd have a WT BBQ back there before we got our hands on it. What goes on at a white trash BBQ you might ask. Well let me fill you in:
Joe and Tori started the party right by pulling their car onto our front lawn.

mullet-y husband got the roof as safe as he could for everyone to watch fireworks in the park from.

We had a short but fun
water balloon fight.

Matt showed up wearing a holster for his drinks, brought
O'doul's, and had his own theme music playing from his pocket.

We had a costume contest and this is how it panned out:
Dustin never disappoints and came in full gear. Carly was his (root)beer drinking pregnant wife.

The Morrison's were sports fans. Matt was also a wife beater.

We had to get one in front of our weed garden and ugly fence.

Tori was also pregnant and Joe was MIA for this photo.

Brett with the handle bars and Heather with the red bra and wife beater.

The girls

We were the nasty hair couple. We clipped in some of my old extensions to give Josh a mullet. He wanted his shirt to have the same "business in the font, party in the back" message his hair had so he wore a cut off polo shirt.

And the BBQ begins. Apparently Jazz fans are WT because we had 4 Jazz jerseys at this party. The
Lakers must be where it's at.

Notice our home made tarp slip-and-slide in the background. We ate jello, steak and burgers, macaroni and cheese, corn on the cob and had
O'Doul's, Kool-aid and lemonade for dinner. A fresh peach pie was served up for dessert.

Some of the boys stopped by for a minute not so WT looking. We were happy to see them.

Brooke makes the best corn I have ever tasted in my life.

Me and Tor-Tor

Dusty and Joshua

So we had a vote for the best dressed. We ran into a little problem though. There was a tie between Tori and Carly. What were we to do? That's right, a
Twinkie eating contest OFF THE HUSBANDS BARE CHESTS to break the tie. The girls had to eat 3 Twinkies off their husbands. Whomever completed this task first, won.

And the prize of a toilet plunger and pregnancy test went to Dustin and Carly.

There was a little plunger baseball being played.

We then headed to the front yard to light our own fireworks.

All the sexy boys.

At the end of the night we climbed onto our roof for a view of the fireworks that were going off in a park a few blocks from our house. We had so much fun dressing up (we always do). It was a
successful night.