Today is my baby brother Patrick's 18th birthday. I can't believe he is officially an adult, it makes me want to cry. Patrick such a stud. Here are some things I love most about him:
Seriously, how cute is this kid?
- He still gives me a hug EVERY time he sees me. When we go home and stay at my parents house he will give me a hug every morning, when he gets home from school, and before he goes to bed. He is so sweet.
- He has amazing eyebrows and the cutest smile. No wonder all the girls LOVE him.
- He has so much confidence if it were tangible it would fill an entire room.
- He is a protective younger brother (like Chris wasn't enough).
- He is very smart.
- He loves our family.
- He is such a good little boy, maybe that's why I still feel like he's a baby.
- Patrick is ALWAYS happy! Since the day he was born he has been a happy person. He is always smiling, always laughing, and is always in a good mood. He is just pleasant to be around.
Seriously, how cute is this kid?
I love Patrick! I can't believe that he is 18. He is such a stud and he is getting so tall...weird!
How did our brothers get so old??? Crazy!
Yay for Pat! He officially is an adult! SCARY!
Wow, my Patty-Watty is 18! (He always hated when I would call him Patty, he'd say 'I'm not a girl!') I love that boy, he is so great.
Such a cutie!
I had a little melt down yesterday morning. On his actual birthday i was fine. But yesterday in the car I realized Patrick is an adult and I only have one minor child left! I got weepy. Especially (get ready for some serious mother/mother in law guilt...) since I have no grandchildren!!!!
Hey Courtney, you dont know me but Im friends with your husband! I heard that you sell darling stuff so I thought Id see if your interested...Brighton High School is having a boutique for their fundraiser this year-It is going to be on Wednesday, December 10th at BHS from 5-7pm. Each vendor will be charged $25 to have a booth, (all of which goes to the Christmas Box House), and then you get to keep any money you make from your sales. So it is for a good cause and you'll make money while doing it! So if your interested in setting up a booth to sell your stuff let me know!
Hey, the same goes for you guys too Chris and Mari! Don't want to be hypocritical! How about you both start trying starting tomorrow and we will see who gets prego first. IT'S A RACE! WHO WILL WIN?
Oh yeah, and Happy Birthday Pat! We all love you so much you stud!
Wow I can't even believe that he is 18 now!!! They used to be so young...then again so did we...where did the time go!?
Courtney, hey, the girls in my neighborhood are putting on a boutique on dec. 6 - I just thought of you and your cute business if you are interested in selling stuff!
He is definitely a cutie!
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