Friday, July 31, 2009

Kitchen Teasers

My mom has been asking me to post some kitchen 'after' pictures for weeks. We still aren't 100% done with it so teaser pictures will have to do. I still need to decide on, and finish the inside of the glass cupboards and Josh needs to put some molding pieces on the top of a few of the cabinets. We are sooooo close, we can taste it. As soon as it is complete (which realistically will still be a few weeks) I'll post pictures of the before and after pictures. The difference is amazing.


the organic kitchen said...

Oh my gosh! I love it! it looks so great! I love the backsplash and the wall color! Was that one of the blues we brought home in the little tester bottles? It is bright and young and fun. Just like you guys!

Melody's Voice said...

Your kitchen is so cute! Very fresh and light.

Trevor and Shelby said...

Courtney you're kitchen is adorable. You've done a great job with it. Can't wait to see the rest of the before/after pictures.

Anonymous said...

I love the center island. I just love how you brought it in and put it there. I would never think to do anything like that. If it isnt built there I dont think of it!

Chris and Mari Spiker said...

Looks good. Not as good as my 500 sq. ft apartment. But good nonetheless

Sabrina said...

holy wowza. i love love love love LOVE it! one of these days i'm going to do a backsplash. i am so coming to you for directions! everything looks so great! HIGH FIVE YOU GUYS!

Chris and Mari Spiker said...

Looks good. I like it, and I normally don't like anything

Jami Holmquist said...

OMG! I love it! I cant wait to see more!!! I pretty much have the same color palette in my apartment too. absolutely beautiful Court and Josh!

ecuakim said...

Gorgeous. I love it. Looks like it just walked out of a Martha Stewart Magazine, only more hip.

lori and clark remington said...

I love your kitchen...your taste is mine exactly! I watch hgtv shows all the time and Candice Olsen is my favorite decorator. Your kitchen looks exactly like she did it!
Good job!

Rachel said...

Wow! I've never seen it so clean! He he. Just teasing.

It looks absolutely amazing. I love it, you guys.

Ms. Green Eyes said...

Your kitchen looks amazing! When I get a house, will you come decorate for me? :)

Brittany and Johnse said...

LOVE IT sooo cute!

Deven and Alyssa Perry said...

You have such a good eye for decorating! I love how it turned out. Can't wait to see more.

Bowman's Beach said...

WOW! you guys have a great eye for style. I want to set up camp in your kitchen.:) Can't wait to be teased with some more pictures of the house!

Amanda and Ry said...

It really is so cute. And It's even better in person!

esther said...

That looks amazing. I can't wait to see the before and after pictures.